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Gone to the Dogs

There’s an old Flintstone’s style apartment building on my corner that houses a yappy little dog. It’s a wired-haired, mixed-breed barking machine. Ounce for ounce, this monster can really pack a punch. I live on the corner of Yucca and Las Palmas. I walked three blocks to the corner of Whitley and Yucca, where I could still here its shrill emissions. This dog illustrates one of the reasons why I believe canines should be banned from the urban setting. Can my worthy readers identify this reason?

Here’s the page for info on what to do about nuisance barking and inconsiderate jerks in general in your neighborhood. I have a serious problem with their requirements. Before they will consider your complaint, you must get the name of the dog owner. Good luck with that one! What if the owner is a gang banger with scary tattoos and even scarier pit bulls? Well, er, that’s not the case in my situation. In my situation, the owner appears to be a non-English speaking drag queen, which is just as scary as any gang banger! Any suggestions? I’ve tried screaming, “La muerte al pero!” out my window, but that didn’t help much.

About Russell Smith

I was born at the American Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. I find inspiration in the lives of so many people from Joan of Arc to Oscar Wilde. While my primary avocation is photography, I also enjoy philosophy, theology and most of all, history. My beloved wife, Robin Anne Smith, who passed away in 2013 is an inspiration to me. My beloved partner, Dana is also a great support and inspiration to me. I'd be remiss if I did not mention my cats: Maxwell, Nigel, Pirouette and GarGar.

2 responses »

  1. If you poison other people’s pets, make sure nobody else knows your little secret!

  2. I am seething with jealousy. YOU have a cool blog first Christina!!! Oh my GOD there is this new little dog that is out all night. I’m planning on calling the city, but really want to poison it. I want Maxwell so bad. Midnight and I are not speaking, she pissed on the couch and I am soooo over her. Blog on whore!!


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